
Request User Access:

Access Request:Microsoft – My Access
You must use your account to request access to the link above.
It will not show an access package if you are using a account

Note: To gain access to this tenant you must first complete an access request (step 1 above) and then once approved you must accept the tenant terms (step 2 above).

Application Owner:DoD-DISA- HaCC
Description:Group: DoD Logs1 – Admin Right – Admin Reader. Please use this for read-only Logs1 rights for access to queries on the GFUD monitoring, Logs Analytics Workspace, or Dashboards. This does not give read access to any Lighthouse connected tenant outside of the GFUD space.
Access URL:
Login Required:Everyone
Access Restricted:Yes – accounts only
Access Type:ECAF Global-Directory
Access Approvals (Admin Only):Microsoft – My Access
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